Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cherries in Cherry World....

Traverse City is the cherry capital 'of the world'- that's right, the world.

And if TC is the cherry capital, then we are living in the Cherry Kingdom.

There are acres and acres of cherry orchards, cherry fruit stands, cherry juice, cherry pie, cherry pills, cherry salad dressing.... this list goes on and on. AND right now it's prime cherry pickin' season.

Rachel and Paul spent a good day plucking the little beauties......cheers!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Welcome to a new family member...

Say hello to Tucker, our new puppy! He's a wee little thing, and so far, absolutely adorable....

Good Ole Fashioned July 4th

The Central Lake parade on the 4th was the heart of Americana- lots of fun floats, a single marching band, and anxious kids waiting for candy that was thrown to the crowd.

Armor Express had their own float honoring all the divisions of the military....

The Ladies Were in Drag....

OK, I stand corrected again.

The turkeys weren't 'ladies', they were actually young boy turkeys (called Jakes).

They had me fooled...... I guess I should have looked for their adam's apple...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Three Ladies Come A' Visiting

We may have mentioned to some of you while talking on the phone that wild turkeys are plentiful up here. Dan sees them just about every day while driving to work.

These three fine ladies have visited our wild animal food stash a couple of times, and were definitely having a good time on this grey day.....