1. A "project." Some get finished; many don't (say good-bye to the never-finished punch-embroidery thingy I've been holding on to for 3 years). Right now it's a book I'm writing (started it a year and a half ago, and let it 'rest' for a bit). It gives me something to lock my brain onto.

2. My handsome hunk-a burnin' love. It's been such a treasure to travel my life with him. You are my knight in shining armor....

3. The smiles of my daughters... both glow with an inner light.

4. A Dan Gibson song... I love nature mixed with music!

5. Ooey gooey warm chocolate brownie melty stuff...

8. Listening to waves lap on the shore- so fulfilling!

9. The first cup of coffee in the morning- no cheating on this one. Fresh-ground goumet beans, sugar, cream (no fake stuff or milk).... pure heaven.