Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Let It Snow....man
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Mackinac is Mackinaw.....
Some have said it's because the Indians pronounced it that way in their language. I'm not so sure... I think the English (or French?) just spelled it wrong, and didn't want to admit to their mistake afterwards.
To make it even more interesting, there is a Mackinac Island with a town on it, and across the water on the mainland is a city called Mackinaw City. Mackinaw City is newer. One might think we Americans named the newer town 'Mackinaw' to right the previous wrong, but the story I got while visiting was the spelling was different to simplify mail delivery.
We had a fun visit to both places while Erika was here in October. Here's several photos of the Island and the city on the island.... (by the way, the only transportation on the island is by foot, bicycle or horse.... quite fun!).

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Fall and Family- Good Times
Sunday, September 20, 2009
More About Sakena Yacoobi
She has won a number of national and international awards for leadership and human rights. Her travel schedule is punishing- she is traveling almost non-stop to conferences, forums, and back and forth between Afghanistan and the United States.
She is a quiet, unassuming woman with iron-hard determination. Her passion and dream is a future Afghanistan where women and children are literate, have good health care, and can learn skills to maintain a family lifestyle. She is Muslim, and believes in the equality of men and women that is referred to in the Quran.
Here is a great video that shows a bit of what Sakena is accomplishing:
More About My Job....

Using their grassroots strategies and holistic approach, AIL now serves 350,000 women and children each year through its training programs, Educational Learning Centers, schools and clinics in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Since 1996, over 6,700,000 Afghans have benefited from AIL’s education and health programs.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Autumn is a' coming......

Sunday, August 30, 2009
A Perfect Afternoon

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Mama Deer and Her Two Fawns
And just for Paul Skinner in merry Scotland (Dan says hi), here is a photo of turkeys just outside our door:

Tucker is Getting Bigger...

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Cherries in Cherry World....

Friday, July 10, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Good Ole Fashioned July 4th
The Ladies Were in Drag....
The turkeys weren't 'ladies', they were actually young boy turkeys (called Jakes).
They had me fooled...... I guess I should have looked for their adam's apple...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Three Ladies Come A' Visiting
These three fine ladies have visited our wild animal food stash a couple of times, and were definitely having a good time on this grey day.....

Sunday, June 21, 2009
AND Let's Talk About The Wildlife...
Then we started working on it in (what was up here) very early spring, and I noticed the woods were absolutely quiet- no animal sounds.
As time went on, we started to hear birds, etc..... and there I had hope that there would be wildlife.
After we moved in, we put out birdfeeders with food- unfortunately, the birds never got to it. We started getting visitors... first chipmunks, and black squirrels, then gray squirrels, then..... this visitor:

Saturday, June 20, 2009
FINALLY... House Photos!
View from the driveway
View from side deck

Kitchen... and yes! Wallpaper!

We're surrounded by trees and really enjoy the quiet. Lots of wildlife here... squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, porcupine, wild turkey, hawk, and deer have all come to visit our daily scattering of wild feed off the side of the house. About 1/2 mile away is the Shanty Creek lodge with ski slopes and an 18 hole golf course designed by Arnold Palmer (too bad I don't ski or golf!)
It's mid-June up here, and the iris and phlox are still in bloom. It's been a cool spring, and we're wa-a-ay behind the cycle of things further south.
Let me know how you're doing... would love to hear from everyone! :)