Then we started working on it in (what was up here) very early spring, and I noticed the woods were absolutely quiet- no animal sounds.
As time went on, we started to hear birds, etc..... and there I had hope that there would be wildlife.
After we moved in, we put out birdfeeders with food- unfortunately, the birds never got to it. We started getting visitors... first chipmunks, and black squirrels, then gray squirrels, then..... this visitor:
A very canny raccoon indeed- she quickly figured out how to dump ALL the birdseed onto the ground, and then the party of critters began.
We gave up on the birdfeeders, and just scattered seed/corn/etc for all visitors. Over the days, we had the squirrel/chipmunk contingent, wild turkey, Missy Raccoon, 2 porcupines, deer, a hawk (more interested in the chipmunks than the seed), and other critters? in the dead of night. It's been a lot of fun watching them.
Today, we got an awesome treat- Missy Raccoon stopped by with her 4 babies. The photos are terrible (taken through a door), but the babies were precious.

That's the mammal category. Here's a cute photo of a little frog in the garden:
And of course, let's not forget the insect world. This year has been a record outbreak of tent/gypsy/canopy caterpillars. We've had thousands of the latter crawling around- they start out in the tops of tall trees, and will soon become white butterflies/moths. It's been pretty creepy.
You live in a nature sanctuary! Very cool~ Jeanne