Now.... this won't be quite as surprising in our new home, since we have woods all around us and we're a bit more remote. But in this home we're in the city limits, in a residential neighborhood, with traffic, kids, dogs, etc.
I guess this is all part of 'Up North' living!
We still have snow on the ground, but in patches and piles. We are on the verge of doing a yard cleanup of the house we're renting.... I bought a rake Monday, was ready to go at it Tuesday until I woke to an inch or more of snow, and then..... I hurt my back. It was nasty- I could barely move, had major pain, and was at a complete loss as to what I had done.
This morning, I went to see Dustine Murphy, my chiropractor (and coincidentally, my daughter Rachel's friend since high school- small world!!). The reason for my back snafu?- arts 'n crafts. Yep, you got it. Arts 'n crafts.
It seems that spending several hours sitting in a chair, hunched over cutting and pasting, while designing and adding to the creative world, can totally lay you out. Who knew? Forget the dangers of skiing down a hill, or lifting weights, or gardening. Arts 'n crafts can be a silent killer...... :) Hmmmm.... I see the title for a talk show news segment....
Tell me that the culprit Arts and Crafts weren't those in the pictures.